Support our ongoing outreach work --
Click our GoFundMe here:
or mail checks made out to ICDL (note DIR Advocacy in memo line)
4938 Hampden Lane, Suite 800
Bethesda, MD 20814
Donations are handled by 501(c)3 non profit:
The Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning (ICDL) EIN #52-1724162
Receipt for taxes for charitable giving will be issued
Click our GoFundMe here:
or mail checks made out to ICDL (note DIR Advocacy in memo line)
4938 Hampden Lane, Suite 800
Bethesda, MD 20814
Donations are handled by 501(c)3 non profit:
The Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning (ICDL) EIN #52-1724162
Receipt for taxes for charitable giving will be issued
$5/month: Keeps DIR friends informed of progress
Donor - $10/month: Gives you 10% off at Bookstore!
Supporter - $25/month: Funds a letter-writing campaign
Investor - $100/month: Sends families to meet lawmakers to tell their story
Sustainer - $350/month: Spreads the news of DIR/Floortime to new families
*Benefactor - $500/month: Helps write and pass bill to ensure parent choice of treatment options
One-time Gift Giver - Helps once with all of these!